32nd International Conference of
Agricultural Economists

Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems

NASC Complex, New Delhi, India | August 2-7, 2024


Researchers from outside of India

Early career presenters of accepted contributions (papers, posters, or organized symposia presentations) from the Global South can apply for an ICAE travel grant. Eligible presenters need to be affiliated with and based at an institution in a low- or middle-income country outside of India. Presenters also have to be under the age of 40 and/or must have received their PhD fewer than 10 years ago in order to be eligible for the travel grant.

ICAE travel grants for eligible presenters from outside of India will be allocated through a competitive selection process. Applications for these travel grants should include a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page), a CV (max. 2 pages) and the ID of the accepted submission/contribution. All documents should be submitted as an email attachment (one combined pdf file) to icae2024@uni-bonn.de by April 15, 2024.

Travel grant decisions will be made by early-May 2024 and official grant letters for successful applicants will be issued then. The amount of each travel grant will range between US $1500-2500 per person (depending on country of residence and estimated travel costs to India). However, the grant disbursement will be conditional on actual attendance at the conference and will be done via bank transfer shortly after the conference. Successful applicants must, therefore, first independently arrange and cover their own travel and conference registration fees prior to the conference. Questions regarding travel grants for eligible researchers from outside of India can be directed to icae2024@uni-bonn.de.

Researchers from India

Researchers residing in India and seeking registration fee grants must apply for full or partial funding through the google form (https://forms.gle/HAd2HLycsyfZEWLE6). Priority will be given to applications with partial funding, where the candidate's parent/other institution will contribute to the registration fees.
The number of participants funded by the grant funding committee (LOC) will depend on available funds. Applications will be scrutinized based on criteria such as the evaluation score of their manuscript, age, and gender of the participants.

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