The submission deadline was 15 January 2024. The submission system is now closed
All submissions will be online (submission link below). The deadline for submission is 11:59 p.m. GMT on January 15, 2024. In order to submit your paper, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Full papers of no more than 8500 words in length should be submitted (including everything).
Papers must be anonymous and submitted as a pdf file (including the paper title but not the author names). All contributed papers will be subject to double-blind peer review.
An abstract of no more than 200 words must be entered into the online system.
Three JEL codes in order of relevance to the paper must be selected. One broader theme from a list of themes must also be selected to facilitate the later organization of sessions.
All author names, affiliations, gender, and email addresses will have to be entered in the online system.
Papers must be presented in person at ICAE 2024 by one of their authors, and each author may present only one contributed paper.
The submitting author will be asked to describe their personal fields of expertise using at least three JEL codes in order of expertise.
Submitting authors will have to commit to the following:
- That their work adheres to the strictest ethical standards.
- That they will review up to four other papers for ICAE 2024.
- That the presenting author is, or will become, a member of IAAE.
- That the paper does not cite articles published in predatory journals.
During submission, authors will be asked whether they are eligible and want their paper to be considered for the
“T.W. Schultz Prize for Best Contributed Paper” (eligibility requires the lead author to be below 40 years of age), and/or
“Uma Lele Prize for Best Contributed Paper on Gender” (paper must be on gender topic).
During submission, authors will be asked whether they also want their paper to be considered for poster presentation should it not be selected for oral presentation. Choosing this option will not affect the chances of being selected for oral presentation.
Submitters will be informed about the outcome of the peer-review process by 31 March 2024.
Link to submission system: Click Here